Company History
Robert F. Mitchell, Sr. and Robert F. Mitchell Jr. founded Mitchell & Associates, Inc., as R.F. Mitchell and Son in 1947, which operated as a full service real estate company for 30 years. The firm grew steadily until 1976, when it merged into the Maenner Company. The appraisal function of the operation was not included in the merger and, in 1979, R. Gregg Mitchell assumed the role as president of the company with services limited to real estate appraisals. The company has grown to its present stature with six commercial and seven residential specialists.
In order to accommodate the growth, a partnership was formed to acquire a larger office facility, now located a 14611 West Center Road. This centrally located modern office facility provides secure storage of our paper and electronic files, and allows centralized processing, scheduling, and completion of several thousand of appraisals each year. As market leaders in the valuation profession, we continue to be in the forefront of technology. That technology allows us to gather subject and market data electronically, and allows us to offer our clients a safe and secure means to order, track and receive their appraisal assignments through the delivery process.